Antinatal Management of Pre-Eclampsia. Instrumental Delivery at LSCS
Management of Eclampsia. Panel Discussion on Critical Care in Obstetrics
Management of DIC-Recent Advances Caesarean Section in Difficult Situations,
Management of Pregnancy with ITP. Internal Iliac Ligation and Uterine Artery Embolisation.
Management of Pregnancy with Heart Disease. Preterm labour
Pregnancy with SLE. Induction of Labour in High Risk Pregnancy
APLA Syndrome, Critical situations in LR/O.T
Hypertensive crisis: How to prevent and manage. The complications of DM.
Extra - Peritoneal Caesarean section. Thyrotoxicosis and Thyroid storm
Inversion of Uterus. Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Sudden Obstetric Collapse. Managing Sepsis in critical obstetric situations.
Controversies in the Mgt of Mild Hypertension. Obst. HDU/ICU-Concept, Set up and procedures
Managing severe anaemia in complicated pregnancy & Labour. Life Threatening Condition / PPH / Pulmonary Embolism
Tackling Anestesia complications during procedures Recurrent pregnancy loss
Resuscitation in Pregnant Woman Gestational Diabetes complications and Management


1) Medical Management of Fibroid. 9) Role of Soy-Isoflavons in Menopausal Symptoms.
2) Medical Management of PPH. 10) Induction of Labour with Dianoprostone Vaginal insert.
3) Medical Management of Preterm Labour. 11) Role of MgSO4 in Obstetrics.
4) Medical Management of Endometriosis. 12) Role of Probiotics in the Management of UTI.
5) Management of GE Reflux, Heart Burn, Acidity in Pregnancy. 13) Role of Pre/Probiotics in RPL, IVF,IUI.
6) Hyperhomocystenemia & Women's Health. 14) Role of Alpha Lipoic Acid, Mecolabamin, Folic Acid, Vit D3 in Menopause.
7) Role of Atoshiban in Preterm Labour. 15) Role of Elagolix in Endometriosis.
8) Role of Estradiol Transdermal patches in Menopause management. 16) Special Session on Medicolegal aspect of various Situations / Hospital complication / Documentation and legal complication of a Hospital

Sonography Faculties Sonography Topics
1) Dr. Archana Patil 1) Ultrasound in Infertility
2) Dr. Asmita Suryawanshi 2)       Transperineal Ultrasound- Application & uses
3)  Dr. Ashok Khurana 3) Redefining PAR staging: Improving Precision and clinical Relevance
4) Dr. Anirudha Kulkarni 4) Pre-Natal Imaging of fetal Lung Anomalies beyond CPAM
5) Dr. Ajit Patil 5) Fetal Diaphragmatic Hernia: Diagnosis & Prognosis
6) Dr. Bimal Sahani 6) GIT: Whats happening is there?
7) Dr. Chinmayee Ratha 7) cloaca! Abnormalities
8) Dr. Chandar Lulla 8) Scanning of the face in the Second Trimester
9) Dr. Jagruti Murke 9) Pre-Natal Genetic Testing in CHD: common culprits & sinister surprises...
10)    Dr. Kuldeep Sing 10) Fetal Neurosonogram - Guidelines, fetal Autopsy, Anatomy & USG — Amalgamation
11)    Dr. Mala Sibbal 11) Poly hydromnios
12)    Dr. Nitin Yelikar 12) ASP & SOD
13)    Dr. Pandit Palaskar/td> 13) Tetralogy of fallot variants
14) Dr. Prarthana shah 14) The fetal Brain in FGR, CHD, Twins Infections
15) Dr. Prashant Acharya 15) Early Pregnancy scan in twin Gestation
16) Dr. Pooja Lodha 16) Early Diagnosis of PAS 4 management
17) Dr. Pratima Radhakrishnan 17) Al in Fetal Ultrasound
18) Dr. Prashant Asegaonkar 18) Fetal Atrioventricularseptal Defects
19) Dr. P. K. Shah 19) Evaluation of Heterotaxy
20) Dr. Prasanna Mishrikotkar 20) Prediction of Preterm Birth
21) Dr. Rajendrasing Pardeshi 21) Update on first Trimester fetal echo: Guidelines stands and what you might be missing
22) Dr. S. Suresh, Chennai 22) 3-D Ultrasound & Laser Fulgurationof Posterior urethral valve
23) Dr. Suseela Vavilala,Hyderabad 23) The Role of Intra partum ultrasound
24) Dr. Sujit Kondkar 24) Gestational Age & Fetal Size
25) Dr. Shilpa Satarkar 25) Dating in Pregnancy - The Need
26) Dr. Seetha Bhaskar Pal 26) Cervix Assessment in obstetrics
27) Dr. Veena Panat 27) Cerebro placental Ration
28)   Ventriculomegaly
29)   Basic 6 step Approach
30)   Clinical Aspects of CVS
31)   Approach to LUTO
32)   Interpretation of soft markers
33)   11-14 wks scan, according to new guidelines
34)   Management of monocorionic twins
35)   Prediction & Prevention of Pre-eclampsia
36)   Panel Discussion on FGR-
37)   TCAN (tight Cord Around the Neck Syndrome)
38)   Waves in colour doppler and its significance in (a) first trimester, (b) second (c) third
39)   Interpretation of NST waves
40)   How to hold the USG probe for various planes
41)   Assessment of Amniotic fluid